Class Overview

Faith and Fake News Class


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at you? Not sure what information or news to trust?

This class is offered in partnership with church communities and explores our culture's current information landscape and how to interact with information from a mindful, Christian perspective. We'll discuss various tips and techniques to help you fact-check what you find and read online. We'll also talk about different reasons why this work matters for Christians and how to bring your faith and Christian identity to online spaces.

Interested in having your church members explore these ideas further? I’m happy to talk with you about bringing this class to your community.

Topics include:

  • Algorithms and their impact on online culture

  • Techniques for fact-checking information

  • Discussion of faith and how to love our neighbors in online environments


Want a preview of the content covered in the Fake News and Faith class? Check out episodes of these podcasts: