Two Things: Humility and Kindness

The more I teach these classed and talk with faith communities about consuming information wisely, the more I keep coming back to the same two things:

  • Humility for ourselves

  • Kindness for others

Part of being willing to be mindful in online spaces and to fact-check what we come across involves a level of humility. Is it possible for us to hold space for different perspectives? Possible for us to even learn from them? This is not our human nature but seems key to finding a way forward.

And we also need to be kind. So much division in online spaces happens when we choose to engage aggressively with people with whom we disagree or with people who believe misinformation. What does it look like to hold space for others’ humanity? How can we be kind?

I don’t think this is passive. We don’t need to let others believe harmful information but is it possible to be kind when we approach them?

Humility and kindness sound nice. But I know they are often easier said than done. What tools and reminders will we place in our lives to help us practice?


Consuming Information Wisely